“In His Stead” is an inspiring story of a retired Army Ranger, Thomas Lane, who finds himself in a battle with the US Army, it’s legal JAG corps, and a vengeful officer to prevent his last son from serving in Afghanistan by offering to take his son’s place. While at home another conflict ignites with the very son he’s trying to protect and his own wife who has the Solomon-like choice of either sending another son or her husband off to war.
The military and more precisely war has been the backdrop of Judith’s life. As a civilian nurse Judith had the honor to serve the military at Fort Detrick in Maryland. Her brother served in Japan after the Korean War. Judith’s husband, Frank, served with the U. S. Army for seven years as a physician and during the first Gulf War. The Vietnam War took high school friends and extended family & debilitated others (PTSD and injuries). Some of these brave men lost their lives, others lost their souls. Now she has two grand nephews, one in the Marines, the other the Army, who have just returned from their first tours in Afghanistan.

As a mother, as a single mom, as the wife of someone in the military, as a caring nurse, and as a person who has felt the pain of separation from a loved one during a time of war, Judith has pulled out all of those emotions and experiences and released them into her writing.
Judith is blessed to have been allowed into the lives of the many soldiers, civilians serving for the military, patients, and family who were kind enough to share their stories. Judith is an avid reader and a natural storyteller. She feels the best stories are those based on real people living and struggling through this life one chapter at a time.
Judith now makes writing her full time career and divides her time between her homes in New Hampshire and North Carolina.
Judith now makes writing her full time career and divides her time between her homes in New Hampshire and North Carolina.
me in one sentence what the purpose is of "In His Stead".
The intention of In His Stead
is to redefine the cost of war in terms of its impact on families.
this subject something that steams from personal experience?
Like so many people, war has been the backdrop of my life. My father
worked in a defense plant during WWII where he contracted lung cancer from
asbestos exposure. My father in-law served in the Navy. My brother served in
Japan after the Korean War. I lost high school friends in Vietnam. My brother
in-law was an Army sniper during that war and still suffers from Post Traumatic
Stress. My husband spent seven years as a physician in the Army. I worked as a
civilian nurse for the Army. And right now I have two grandnephews serving; on
in the Army and the other with the Marines. They were both very much on my mind
while I was writing this novel. They have just returned from their first tours
in Afghanistan. This stimulus for this novel as you have read in the foreword was
a ‘gift’ from my nephew, Jim.
Like many high school graduates, Jim’s son was undecided on a career
path and could not find a job. Jim did not want his son to blindly put himself
in harm’s way simply because of Uncle Sam’s tempting signing bonus. If his son
chose the military after high school then Jim said he would try to take his
son’s place. I hope In His Stead gives
my readers an inside view of not only the personal cost of war paid by the
soldier but the ripple affect that a soldier’s life, loss of life, and/or
deployment has on society, family, and all those he or she encounters. While
writing, I interviewed military service personnel returning from Afghanistan and
their sentiments made me realize that this story needed to be told.
is your view on the morality of taking someone's place when going off to war.
The morality of war and the morality of taking someone’s place are miles
apart and yet connected by cause and motive. So let me explain where I am
coming from.
The bombing of the Twin Towers certainly sent me in to revenge mode.
But, I have always found that my target (excluding Ben Laden) for my righteous
indignation to be somewhat elusive. Reprisals by our military aimed at the
guilty, have caused innocents to suffer. And from this, morally I have two
concerns. The first is that I fear that moving towards drone attacks may
make war too convent. It is the horrors of war that remind us of its consequences.
Without seeing the shocking
devastation of our secret attacks, how can we suffer the repulsion necessary to
seek peace? My second concern is that this war against terrorism may be
repeating a lesson I thought we had learned from history. During the Civil War
in 1863 New York City suffered the largest civil insurrection in American
history. The violent response by the working class and poor immigrants who were
discontent with the new draft laws passed by Congress was due to the fact that
the rich could opt out of military service by paying for a substitute. Hence
the newspapers dubbing it “A rich man’s war but a poor man’s battle”. While we
no longer have a draft I am still concerned that as more and more of our lawmakers
in Congress and those in the executive branch have no military experience, that
a gap is again forming. This time it is not between rich and poor but between
civilians and the military. Daily news broadcasts, of this our longest war, are
now glanced over like the daily weather report by the 99% of civilians who have
no direct family member involvement. This is unfortunate.
A Pew Research Center survey in 2011 came to the conclusion: “A
smaller share of Americans currently serve in the Armed Forces than at any
other time since the era between the World Wars I and II, a new low that has
led to a growing gap between people in uniform and the civilian population,
according to a new survey…The result is a military far less connected to the
rest of society; a condition that some academics have said might not bode well
for the future of military-civilian relations (the military is run by
civilians). Others have warned that less connection between the military and
the rest of society could lead to less-informed decisions about whether to go
to war, because conflicts and the people who fight them are not part of most
people’s lives. What we have is an armed services that’s at war and a public
that’s not very engaged,” said Paul Taylor, executive vice president of the
Pew research Center.
So the answer is not short but pure. Parents sacrifice in one-way or
another for their children every day and no one knows it least of all the
children. Working extra hours for soccer shoes, forgoing new clothes to pay for
medicine for a sick child…I could go on and on. It is true that at the worst of
times, humans shine. Strangers help one another at car crashes, dive in to raging
waters to save someone drowning. The impetus for a parent to give their life
without thought of a monetary reward is almost a reflexive action. Life,
especially the life of our young, must be preserved.
To pay someone to take your seat on a plane that will most certainly
crash is repugnant to me. It assumes one life is more valuable than another. It
is a judgment that plays on the weaker, more desperate of society. It would be
interesting if we could go back in time and interview Andrew Carnegie’s paid
substitute. I would love to know if that poor Irish immigrant survived the Civil
war. And to what purpose did the $850 Carnegie gave him go? It may have been a
bottle of beer or may have been to fed his children. Who knows?
you talk a little about Hearts Apart? - What is it, why are you donating a portion
of the proceeds to it?
HeartsApart is a charity for military families. It was started in
Wilmington North Carolina by local businessman Brett Martin and professional
photographer Brownie Harris. The charity was a finalist in the Michelle Obama
and Dr. Jill Biden Joining Forces Community Challenge. The goal of HeartsApart
is to keep families connected through professional keepsake photos.
Professional photos are taken of a family who has a member
deploying. The family receives a set of these photos and the member deploying
receives a trifold card with the same photos. The trifold card is dirt, rain,
and sweat proof. You might say ‘war’ proof. The soldier can roll it up and
place it in their helmet or pocket.
There are now over 350 professional photographers all over the
United States volunteering with HeartsApart. Even though phone and internet
have helped connect soldiers to their families, in my interviews I’ve learned
that those soldiers are often in harms way for extended periods without those
luxuries and holding and looking at those photos is a huge boost to the soldier
sitting alone in a bunker or on a mountain in Afghanistan. Because of those in
my family now serving and having served, HeartsApart was the ideal connection
to give a little back to those who protect my family and me.
do you write? Are you a planner or a pantser? Do you have a set writing
location? Do you have dead silence or background noise?
I am an extreme planner/plotter. I outline every chapter, map out
plot points, and do separate and complete profiles for each character. After I
have done this mapping for the novel the characters and their problems become
very real people to me. I am completely invested in their movements. My
workspace is central to my home. Noise helps me focus. I was a single mother
with three very active boys. While they are now grown and have their own
families my earlier experience with juggling family, work, and college has
trained my brain to screen out distractions.
are you currently working on?
I am currently working on a
squeal to my first novel, Crescent Veil, a children’s ‘green’ novel, and a
novel that addresses stereotyping in our society and how it distracts from
understanding, and getting to know those interesting people who do not fit the
accepted norms.
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