I never sat over a blank page. Writing flows out of my hand. I have so many
ideas that I would need a bunch of ghostwriters to write everything down. I love to invent
people, create their past and their destiny. Sure, sometimes I lean on reality.
When I write, I have scenes, a kind of movie in front of me. The faces of my
protagonists are actors I would cast.
I don´t drink or smoke: I am boring. But my imagination is not.
I believe in a spirit world and in an afterlife. I believe we all have a special task on earth we have to fulfill. Sometimes it´s difficult to figure out what it could be. It´s foggy, but I think I know.
Still unknown
creatures, the demons of dreams, live by their own rules, also in our world therefore
don´t venture too far into areas which you don´t understand, your dreams.
Exactly that happens to Leia Walsh, a young woman from New York when she falls
in love with a demon of dreams.
2) Dreams are a big
part of your work; can you talk a little about the importance of dreams?
There are so many
opinions about the meaning of dreams. It starts with Freud and ends today with
some other scientists. For example: control over emotions resulting
from distressing experiences. Dreams may function like psychotherapy, by
allowing the dreamer to integrate thoughts that may be dissociated during
waking life. They regulate mood and lowers stress levels.
But actually it´s an unknown place where our soul goes
at night and the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious, the
source of all true art and science.
3) What were some
struggles (or also some easier things) about switching to Independent from
Traditional Publishing?
To be independent
means a lot of work and it is not easy to reach the audience, I have to admit.
I have experimented both, to be published and be independent.
As an independent
author you have to learn everything about the whole process and that means a
lot of research which takes a lot of time.
Remembering writing
my very first book, I didn´t even know to make paragraphs, editing, setting the
dialogue correctly, everything was corrected by the editorial.
As an independent
author you are also more connected to your readers, which is very beautiful.
When everything is in hands of the editorial you are hiding more behind your
4) Between your
first two books, you switched perspectives (and target gender audience); what
were some big differences writing for Leia or Mo?
Writing for Leia
was a lot of fun. It was the first time for me writing in first-person
perspective and I really loved it. It flowed unbelievable. Sure, the style is
automatically different, sometimes a little bit more cheeky than writing in the
third person point of view Morris. You can say I wrote two different stories
which sometimes meet in some scenes. And as many people said, it´s amazing,
because it´s not boring at all.
Many times I
thought to merge both books, but honestly it would destroy the mystery, which
the first has.
5) Follow up: you
said Prince of the Dark was more suited for men than Meet Me in the Dark; what
makes you say that?
I got a nice review
for the first book from a woman. She said. Awesome!!! Sex and the City meets fantasy…it´s
all said with that, I think.
The first book has
here and there some typical female problems in there, clothing, shoes, envy
between women, falling in love quickly, being attracted by handsome men and
weird dreams.
A lot of women deny
not being attracted by physical beauty, they feel superficial. Sure, it´s not
the most important thing, but … we should be honest, first of all one is
attracted by the way a person looks like. Man or woman that doesn´t matter.
The second is
written from the point of view of the demon of dreams Morris Eltringham and
shows his problems with his addicted human wife, his job and his evil brother
Payton. I think it clears up a lot of question from the first.
Okay, this is my personal
opinion, but don´t forget an author often doesn´t see the forest for the trees.
I know men thinking differently and some said…Noooo, I loved the first too.
6) Writing process:
what are your habits, what's around you when you're writing? Are you an 'in the
zone' type of writer or can you write anywhere anytime?
Around me? Minimum
two of six cats sleeping half on my computer. A huge cup of milk with a shot of
coffee, my room with my energy in it, my desk, which is higher than others and
my computer with my fingerprints on it J. I never tried out other places…I don´t think it will
work out. Some can write at the pool, or in a coffee-shop, that´s not for me. I
am working almost 12 hours daily, so I get up every two, cleaning my thought in
a way by doing laundry, making another coffee, petting cats, cleaning something
and going back to work. It´s kind of boring J
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