
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

In Which I Talk About My Declining Health

So you may have noticed that I didn't post Undercover Lovers yesterday.

You see, like many adults with ADHD, I took on too many projects. I'm not honest with myself about what I can and cannot handle and what ends up happening is that something gets lost in the shuffle, I stress myself out to the point of a break down or nothing gets done. In this case, it's a bit of all of it.

One of my commitments (Hairspray) takes up my evenings and weekends leaving my mornings free which would be fine, if I were sleeping properly, in good physical health or possessed the ability to properly prioritize. Oh and now I have a cold which is stressing me out on principle.

If you know me at all, you know I love the melodramatic.

So what does this have to do with you?

Well not a lot. All I can ask is some patience in the coming months. I have work and school and musical performances and singing recitals and novels to write and you guys and a self-help book full of emotional/mental problems and somewhere in there I have to figure out how to be a grown up about it all.

All this being said, I think I'm taking this week off to try and get my head on straight. That means Undercover Lovers is getting pushed back a week and hopefully I'll have time to get caught up on my posts and my writing. I haven't had a lot of time to actually plan my JuNoWriMo novel so I would love to sit down and put it all on paper. Please help me by just being your supportive, upbeat selves. That's all I really need.

I am trying you guys and I'm sorry for the basic radio silence this last little while.

Please say you still love me?


  1. Do what you gotta do, chickie. We'll all be here when you're ready. Take care a you!

  2. Vicki...was it as good for you as it was for me? Also, Sydney Hug.
